Monday, December 30, 2019

7 Top-of-Mind Career Discussions Among Software Engineers

7 Top-of-Mind Career Discussions Among Software Engineers7 Top-of-Mind Career Discussions Among Software EngineersSoftware engineering talent is in tremendous demand. New crops of software engineers are graduating from college, and others are being cultivated through the self-taught route or by pursuing academic study. Today, programmers can find jobs that cater to their talents and passions on nearly every corner of the Internet. Naturally, that makes it either super-easy or super-difficult to find and retain good talent. Either a software engineer is comfortable at his job, or she is ready to take the plunge into new territory.At CareerDean, a career-minded QA site for software engineers, ongoing discussions exist about all elements of getting a great job as a developer and at succeeding at it. Weve seen questions that cater to the first-time job hunter as well as questions that face every single type of software developer. Here are some career discussions that affect software engi neers typically before their first job or about the lifestyle and culture of working for years at the office, and weve added some advice on how employers can handle these very common issues.Does degree or internship matter?A number of aspiring software developers want to take the Mark Zuckerberg route. They firmly believe they can succeed in creating the next best thing, and they will drop out of school in order to show their commitment.But then they return to the job market, because it simply doesnt work out, and they wonder if theyre going to be penalized because they dont have a degree. Will you overlook their resume if they dont have a BA or BS?On a similar elende, most software engineers recognize the value of internships. But some simply havent done any. Will they have a harder time finding a job?Employers can specify in their job listings if a degree is absolutely required. Job listings should also specify if prior internships are desired or preferred- or if everyone is on eq ual footing regardless of internship or not. Perhaps it can be communicated as a bonus (bonus points if youve completed an internship.) This topic can also be broached during the interview, but it may result in far mora resumes than you can handle if the job description isnt as specific. Value of Coding BootcampsThere are a plethora of developer bootcamps out there. These are intensive coding experiences that last weeks or even months that prepare developers for a career in software engineering. But can you truly be the cream of the crop with only a bootcamp under your belt?We hosted an AMA (ask me anything) with Dave Hoover, co-founder of Dev Bootcamp, who shared some insights on the experience that he created for aspiring developers. Many questions on bootcamps revolve around whether its an affordable alternative to college, if credentials matter when being accepted into one (or finding a job thereafter) or whether theres a stigma associated with software engineers who have more u nconventional backgrounds.Bootcamps seem to be more popular than they used to be, and there are dozens of questions that address this type of educational pursuit.Do you prefer that your prospective employee attend a bootcamp? Communicate to them via job posting or in their interview that you value the unconventional educational path so that they are not intimidated. Successful NegotiationsSalaries for software engineers are all over the map. An engineer could be working for Google with a great compensation package and shares, or they could be working for a small to midsize company with an average or good salary, or they could be working at a startup for peanuts (and maybe a good equity package). Of course, they could also be working at a small to midsize company for peanuts and at a startup for an amazing salary (and equity) package. Theres no one-size-fits-all solution on salaries, but many online sources can ( give a good indication of what an employee should be makin g.One of the most frequently discussed conversations revolves around negotiation, before securing the job, when dealing with low-ball offers or once your foot is already in the door. Developers wonder if they should be negotiating at all, negotiating with recruiters or if they should simply wait and go at it after theyve established themselves as solid contributors to the team.Employers can bypass the topic of negotiation by setting expectations early. Is there a salary range for the position? Give as much detail as possible so that prospective applicants know whether to apply or to pass. Of course, you cant eliminate the negotiation process entirely, but its possible that youll save some time.The Reality of OvertimeOne of the biggest discussions to date has been that of the myth of the 40-hour workweek. Is it a reality, or is it unattainable? In short, the answer depends on the type of environment the software engineer works in.Either it will be a corporate environment with many de velopers and more structure, or it will be in the startup environment with very little structure and a lot of room to make a difference. Those who want to work fewer hours (a full-time 40-hour day schedule) should seek a more structured environment. Those who want to make a difference but who should expect to work longer hours would thrive by taking the startup route.Everyone starts off by working longer and harder, but over time, they establish a routine. Developers should expect to spend a lot more time initially when being on-boarded and learning more about the company culture and the code base.Not everyone thinks to talk about overtime in their job interviews, especially someone who is joining the job market for the very first time ever. New job seekers dont know what to expect and may not ask about company culture. As an employer you can give the employee a bit of insight into they will be working on and how long their workdays will be. You can also give employees access to the ir future colleagues so that they can get a first-hand understanding of life at the office.Prejudice against WomenLets face it. There arent many female developers out there. A recent legal trial highlighted how much of a gender gap exists in technology and other male-dominated careers. Women feel that they cant be successful as coders because they are in the minority. This stigma extends to women who later become mothers. As a result, women shy away from becoming developers because they feel that they cant successfully navigate the career without some sort of discrimination in the workplace, be it harassment or by being paid less than they deserve.The best way to put female engineers at ease is to create a company that welcomes female engineers. Consider putting your resources where your corporate values are by supporting non-profit organizations such as Women Who Code. Become known in your industry for implementing equal salaries by publishing salary ranges in your job descriptions .Dealing with FrustrationSoftware developers have a pretty challenging task. They are working on a problem that may take hours or even weeks to solve. That can be incredibly frustrating. If youre not a developer, think about it this way youre trying to build a house, and you cant get a square peg into that round hole. How do you build it so that it works? Programmers do get discouraged, and thats part of the job. But its all about the challenge and the learning experience. When you do overcome this annoying hurdle, how much better do you feel?Often, this is a topic best navigated by the software engineer himself. But give emotional support to the developer. Having an office culture that lends itself to a bit of relaxation when the going gets tough lets the very frustrated employee know that he is valued. Small things like having a foosball table or even a punching bag can help. Organizational psychologists tell us that the color of an office space can have an impact on how people fe el when they work.Contributing to Open SourceDevelopers can build for their companies or their clients, but they can also contribute to the open source movement, which provides a universal license to software that is accessible to everyone globally without a fee. Some developers question whether contributing to the open source movement is worth it (and can it even help you find a job?), and others might be so devoted to open source work that they commit their working hours to it. Developer opinions are mixed in terms of whether open source has value or not. There are definitely those who are truly all about open source projects, but there are other coders who simply dont have time for it. Still, open source is a major topic that many developers broach, as it helps them secure or advance their careers.As an employer, you can be supportive of the open source movement. Give the employee confidence that participation in the movement is encouraged (some companies, especially Google, allo w for 80 percent of company time for work and 20 percent for side projects that speak to their interests and passions), but be clear that you dont encourage it during work hours if the developer needs to focus on her work. The software development space is forever changing. As software development evolves, so too does the industry. But there are some underlying topics that continue to be top of mind in the industry that affect newbie developers and seasoned professionals alike, and if employers are mindful of these themes, it will make the job application process easier for not just the applicant but the hiring manager and employer as well.Tamar Weinberg is the Director of Marketing forCareerDean, a QA career community focused (for now) on software engineers. On CareerDean, anyone can share their job experiences with aspiring job seekers and those struggling in their current jobs. Its open to everyone and completely free.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Using Favorite Quotes as an Easy-to-Plan Ice Breaker

Using Favorite Quotes as an Easy-to-Plan Ice BreakerUsing Favorite Quotes as an Easy-to-Plan Ice BreakerThe easy-to-plan, meaningful quotes ice breaker has endless variations. It serves you and your audience well to break the ice with fellow participants and open up discussion on the topic of your training activity, meeting or team building session. To lead the meaningful quotes ice breaker, the facilitator must bring a quote to the meeting. The ice breaker is most effective if the quote relates to the topic of the meeting. A related quote will set the stage for later discussion. It will also get participants thinking about the topic of the session while you help them become comfortable talking with their fellow participants. The meaningful quotes ice breaker works well with groups who know each other and with groups of strangers. This is because no right or wrong answers exist - just the participants interpretations and opinions about the quote. This allows participants the complet e freedom to express their point of view and not to experience concern that the other participants will find their ideas offensive or offputting. Sample quotes are provided after these steps to follow to use the meaningful quotes ice breaker. Meaningful Quotes Ice Breaker Steps Divide your participants into smaller groups of four or five people who are sitting near each other, or if participants are sitting four-five to a table as in many training venues, ask them to work with their tablemates. (In many settings, participants have just sat down, introduced themselves to the others at their table, and they dont take kindly to moving.)Tell the newly formed groups that their job is to think, as an individual, for a few minutes about the quote you give them and jot down notes related to these questions. What does the quote mean to them? How does the quote relate to the topic of the team building session, training class, or meeting? Then, ask the participants to share their answers w ith the members of their group. The facilitator should ask questions such as How similar or different were your answers? Did anything meaningful occur for you during the discussion?After the participants complete their initial spontaneous discussion, ask the participants to share any thoughts or insights that highlighted their small group discussion with the larger group. Ask for a volunteer to start and lead a discussion for several minutes. Use the discussion as a segue into the opening of your session topic. This meaningful quotes icebreaker takes 10 to 15 minutes with the initial unstructured discussion that the ice breaker generates. Total time will depend on the number of additional questions that you ask the group to discuss as part of the debrief of the ice breaker. Applications of the Meaningful Quotes Ice Breaker Here are sample quotes and the training classes, team building sessions, and meetings in which you can use them effectively to break the ice. Please note tha t many of these quotes fit multiple categories. Use your favorite quotes and your imagination to make this ice breaker work for you and your groups. Here are mora sample quotes that you can use in this type of ice breaker. Change or Change Management Session Everybody has accepted by now that change is unavoidable. But that still implies that change is like death and taxes it should be postponed as long as possible and no change would be vastly preferable. But in a period of upheaval, such as the one we are living in, change is the norm. -Peter F. DruckerBe the change that you wish to see in the world.-Mahatma Gandhi Commitment Individual commitment to a group effort - that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work. -Vince LombardiYou have to know one big thing and stick with it. The leaders who had one very big idea and one very big commitment. This permitted them to create something. Those are the ones who leave a legacy. -Irving Kristol Empow erment and Delegation Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity. -General George Smith Patton, Jr.The best executive is the one who has sense enough to pick good men to do what he wants done, and self-restraint enough to keep from meddling with them while they do it. -Theodore RooseveltThe great leaders are like the best conductors - they reach beyond the notes to reach the magic in the players. -Blaine Lee Excellence The companies that survive longest are the ones that work out what they uniquely can give to the world not just growth or money but their excellence, their respect for others, or their ability to make people happy. Some call those things a soul. -Charles HandyExcellence is not a skill. It is an attitude. -Ralph Marstons Goal Setting, wertzuwachs Development Planning, Clear Expectations A river has to have banks to be more than a pond. -Ken BlanchardObjectives are not fate they are direction. They are not co mmands they are commitments. They do not determine the future they are means to mobilize the resources and energies of the business for the making of the future. -Peter Drucker Motivation Management is nothing more than motivating other people. -Lee IacoccaThe only way to get people to like working hard is to motivate them. Today, people must understand why theyre working hard. Every individual in an organization is motivated by something different. -Rick Pitino Nonverbal Communication What you do speaks so loud that I cannot hear what you say. -Ralph Waldo EmersonThe limits of my language means the limits of my world. -Ludwig Wittgenstein Team Work and Team Building You will find men who want to be carried on the shoulders of others, who think that the world owes them a living. They dont seem to see that we must all lift together and pull together. -Henry FordNever doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed. It is the only thing that ever has. -Margaret Mead

Friday, December 20, 2019

52% of employers are surveilling employees emails

52% of employers are surveilling employees emails52% of employers are surveilling employees emailsEven when your boss is not directly behind your shoulder, they may be reading your emails. In a new SimplyHired survey ofover 1,000 current employers and employees, more than half of employers - 52% - admitted that they were monitoring their employees emails. In an age of heightened surveillance, employees are more aware that their clicks and histories are being watched, but this survey highlights the differences between what employees think is being tracked and what is actually being monitored.Social media least likely to be monitoredWe know there are human eyes in our office computers. In a survey of 307 information technology employees, the IT workers said that 98% of companies they work for are monitoring some parte of their employees digital activity. The SimplyHired survey breaks down where our perceptions of surveillance align with reality.Out of all the digital activity being t racked, work emails were the fruchtwein likely to be tracked, followed by internet browser usage and in-office messages. Many employees were concerned that their employers were tracking their internet browsing history at work, but fewer than half of employers actually monitored these histories. And bosses are not as likely to be creeping on your Instagram. Over half - 54.6% - of employees thought their boss might be tracking their social media accounts, but that was the least likely activity to be tracked in the survey at 27.3%.When your boss can access what you write in an email, you need to be careful what you are drafting and posting. Those personal emails unrelated to work may come back to hurt employees wallets later. Employees thought performance reviews would be most affected by their digital activity, but employers reported that annual bonuses were the most likely to be impacted by non-work-related online activity at work.Some employees are fighting back against this omnip resent surveillance. Technology employees were the most likely to use privacy software to hide internet browser histories. But if you want more peace of mind, it may help to wait until you are away from the workplace wi-fi and office computers to access and post your personal emails.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Teaching the First-Time American Public Federal Jobseeker - Contract Specialist

Teaching the First-Time American Public Federal Jobseeker - Contract SpecialistTeaching the First-Time American Public Federal Jobseeker - Contract SpecialistTeaching the First-Time American Public Federal Jobseeker Contract SpecialistI hear the most amazing questions from the first-timer. But the most typical is this one I just dont know if I am applying to the right job. It is amazing to me that the federal jobs are so unique, and written in such a way that really smart people are not sure what the job really means. Even the Contract Specialist position, which from the name seems understandable, is an uncertain for the first-time applicant who has business, sales, account management, national accounts, federal sales, retail sales background.Heres the short version. The Contract Specialist manages contracts for federal agency program managers who need goods or services to complete their mission. Contract Specialists purchase millions of dollars of IT services, training programs, specialty services, or computers, office furniture or food.This job involves researching the best vendors, writing a statement of work about the services needed, receiving bids from the vendors, negotiating terms, and helping to select the vendor. And then maybe monitoring the contractor to make sure they perform correctly.SAMPLE LANGUAGE FROM USAJOBSA Sample Contract Specialist Position, posted 5/16behauptung positions are in the Division of Contracting and General Services, Portland, Oregon.These positions serve as contract specialists procuring supplies or services through formal advertising or negotiation procedures, intra/interagency agreements, cooperative agreements, and grants. The contract specialist plans, coordinates, negotiates and administers complex purchases, such as construction material, heavy equipment, construction of hatchery/refuge facilities, structural and living quarters, building rehabilitation, dam and bridge construction, architect-engineer services, jani torial services, IT and telecommunications hardware, software and programming services, contracts for installation of building equipment systems, and various supplies.At the GS-9 and 11 grade levels, duties will be performed under closer supervision, and training will be provided to prepare the employee for eventual promotion to the full performance level.THE KEYWORDS SHOULD BE IN ALL CAPS IN YOUR RESUME. OUTLINE FORMAT. The words in the Duties section of the announcement should be added to your resume. And preferably the resume should be in our Outline Format. Scroll down on this page to see the Outline Format. Click on the graphic to see the entire resume.SEARCH FOR RECOVERY ACT JOBS. There are many Contract Specialist positions post now to help with Recovery Act contracts and jobs, as well as other federal positions. Kathryn Troutman, Author Ten Steps to a Federal Job

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Professional Boundaries in Todays Workplace

Professional Boundaries in Todays WorkplaceProfessional Boundaries in Todays WorkplaceWhat it means to be professional these days is not what it has meant for previous generations. We live in a new age where there is no longer a voreingestellt workday, dress code or business code of conduct.For instance, instead of formal memos, now you might send out a text to your team members. Rather than pantyhose and pumps, flats and bare legs are acceptable. And thanks to smartphones and constant connectivity, gone are the days of interacting with co-workers solely between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.Professional boundaries have become very hazy in many workplaces. This can be particularly tricky if youre the manager, trying to maintain your professionalism with the people who report to you. But there are ways to make sure youre not crossing that red line with your employees despite the intimate, connected work environment we find ourselves in these days.Here are three tips for managers tryin g to navigate the new definition of professionalism1. Social media managementFor better or for worse, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram have broken down a lot of professional boundaries. Before social media, you probably didnt know much about your employees social lives. Now, however, if youre friends with them on Facebook, you can see updates about everything from what they ate for dinner last night to the adorable things their kids did over the weekend.Not too long ago, it was considered a no-no to friend (or accept friend requests from) those who report to you. These days, job candidates are encouraged to boost their social media profiles, and some companies encourage employees to use social media as part of their job - to network with potential clients or promote the company, for example.If everyone in your office posts and tweets for business purposes, its probably fine to connect with employees and coworkers on social media, as long as you keep your social media presence drama- free. (You really dont want your colleagues gossiping at the water cooler about the Twitter war you had last night.)If, on the other hand, your workplace looks down on the use of social media in the office, its probably best to keep your office social media connections to LinkedIn.2. Socializing outside the officeEven just a decade ago, many managers avoided office happy hours and get-togethers outside of work. The only time youd see your babo outside the office would be at a working lunch or a holiday party, and friendships at work were considered off-limits.Today, though, many managers know that a little socializing outside the workplace can be a good thing it can help you build trust with your team, and it can improve morale. Most employees enjoy getting to know their boss a little bit better on a personal level.And you can maintain professional boundaries at these events, too. Go ahead and talk about your family and your hobbies, as long as you avoid telling stories that might verge on being too personal. Listen as your employees talk about their weekend plans, and ask questions that show your interest. And try to work the room engage as many people as you can, rather than sticking with one group of friends.3. Setting professional boundariesAlways remember that as the boss, you are the one establishing the professional boundaries in the office. Set the example, with your words and actions, that you want the rest of the office to follow. You want to encourage collaboration, but if youre a little less than professional, you cant expect much more from the people who report to you. But with a certain amount of self-awareness of how you conduct yourself on social media and in social situations, you can successfully set professional boundaries for your department.Looking for more management advice?SUBSCRIBE TO OUR NEWSLETTER

Friday, December 6, 2019

Making Free Resumes Tips & Guide

Making Free Resumes Tips & Guide The History of Making Free Resumes Refuted Employers love the term teamwork. Just sign up there, complete the details and your Resume is about to download. If youre able to afford five minutes to produce a perffectly tailored CV, than you can rely on huge impact that it is going to make on employer in regards to reviewing it. A good resume is not easy to come by. If you decide to forego an overview of prior employment, its very important to your job changes to tell a story. If youre asking for work in an unfamiliar geography, you may want to ask a neighborhood friend (or friend of friend) to observe a sample resume. Creating an effective resume can greatly enhance your odds of landing that dream job, which means you need to put your very best foot forward with the space youve got and the situations you need to say. Getting the most of a resource that wont only help save you time, but is demonstrated to elevate your opportunity of scoring a work simply is logical. Theres no doubt that a resume which is both cohesive and professional will have a much better prospect of standing from the crowd even supposing its made utilizing a template. There are several popular categories offered and the very best part is you dont need to pay anything to be included. The Making Free Resumes Trap Otherwise, it should appear to a reader your faculty experience is the most important to you-that shouldnt be the instance. Aspiring doctors need to be intellectually gifted. Resume writing isnt simple, and there are numerous distinct opinions on the best way to do it. Resumizer free resume creator allows you to preview your resume at any stage in the creation practice. The telephone number is another possiblity to present a professional image. Adding a little color to your resume instantly makes it increasingly attractive. Its possible for you to enter your social websites profile address for an extra point of contact. Also, be c ertain that there is enough white space on the page to allow it to be straightforward to scan. Include your complete name, contact number, email and personal branding website if youve got one. Successful resumes generate information since they are created. What You Should Do About Making Free Resumes Starting in the Next Two Minutes Resume formats are useful tools that can be of wonderful aid in making resumes. Afterwards, you may download your resume free of charge, so that you are able to edit it in MS Word or Google Docs. A Quickstart Resume does not demand you to learn a totally new software program, nor does this force you in rigid format. Resume templates can be helpful in building your resumes. Definitions of Making Free Resumes Resumes are vital in the modern competitive sector. They may be organized in different ways. Indeed they are visible to employers so that they can let you know about jobs you might be interested in. They arent easy to make. Making Free R esumes - the Story Due to its brevity, theres a more likely possibility that a hiring manager wouldnt discard your resume straight away since youve provided them with the proper overview in your objective section. As you are asking for an accountant job position, it necessarily suggests that youre asking for a white-collar jobin which case educational background is essential. Whoever owns a little software dienst advertises for a seasoned software salesperson. The background section lets a landlord get to understand slightly more about their possible tenant. Indeeds resume editor makes it simple to get into your work experience, education, and abilities. Our resume builder is the quickest approach to create a resume that can help you get your fantasy job. You must invest time into each application and be certain that your resume is tailored to every employer and the job which youre applying to. Providing a rental resume when applying for a rental house is a good way to stick o ut in pool of applicants in a competitive rental market. however, it isnt a guarantee youre going to be approved.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Recruitment Via Social Media 4 Ways to Make It Work [INFOGRAPHIC] - Spark Hire

Recruitment Via Social Media 4 Ways to Make It Work INFOGRAPHIC - Spark HireIf youre limiting your social media usage to personal status updates, retweets and instant photos, youre doing it all wrong. Social media isnt just for our personal lives anymore its for the professional side of us too.Today, the biggest and best companies are leveraging social media as a recruiting tool, and small businesses should be doing the same. With social media recruiting, youll be connecting to job seekers and candidates that want to actively engage in dialogue, network and become the next big thing at your small business. By taking your recruiting efforts online, youll embark on the new age of recruitment and find that behind the virtual walls, profiles and updates, there are real people who are ready to make a big impact.According to an infographic below), 92% of companies today use social media as a means for recruiting. Of those companies, 73% claim theyve hired via social media, 42% say that their job candidate pool has improved and 20% have proof that it takes less time to hire thanks to social media recruiting. With all of this success though, 36% of firms are not utilizing social media for recruiting purposes.If youre one of the 36%, how do you begin to use social media to attract and hire the best and brightest?Establish a social media presence. First, you need to either create social media accounts on different platforms or brush the dust off of those profiles that you may have made years ago and neglected. Expand your presence to sites like Spark Hire too. Essentially, putting your company out there will help to attract active job seekers.Use it to build your brand. With your social media accounts, you can begin to build your brand. Showcase your employees and company culture, ask followers for feedback on your products and include fun deutsche post ags that have nothing to do with your industry. Doing this will build a following of loyal clients and potential employees who want to engage with you as a company and not just your product.3. Post open job opportunities. Use these outlets to post job opportunities too. What better pool to recruit from than your loyal followers? Plus, if youre using social media correctly, youll have job candidates following your social media presence just so they know when youre hiring.Dialogue with professionals in your industry. This isnt a one-way street. You have to follow professionals and companies in your industry too. In doing so, youll find those professionals who are not only engaged in the services and products but passionate about them as well. And those make the best employees.Dont be afraid of social media recruiting embrace it. You may have no idea what youre doing initially, but with practice, youll know the ropes in no time.Do you believe that social media should be used in recruiting prospective job candidates? Why or why not? Share now in our comments

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

3 ways to cut yourself some slack at work

3 ways to cut yourself some slack at work3 ways to cut yourself some slack at workDo you ever feel like youre constantly stretching yourself too thin without giving yourself room to breathe? Its time to back off and give yourself the space you need - here are three ways to stop getting in your own way at work.Surround yourself with positivityThis can go a long way.A article by writer and former English professor Gina Vivinetto features input from Paula Davis-Laack, who is an author and founder of the Davis-Laack Stress Resilience Institute, about how to be kinder to yourself. One tip is to start a portfolio of good stuff.Positive emotions do more than just help you feel good - they increase your creativity, make you more social, build your resilience, and reduce the negative physiological impact of negative emotions, says Davis-Laack. She collects thank you notes, testimonials for her business, and other positive notes and keeps them in her office, the post reads.The art icle welches for NBCUniversals Season of Kindness initiative.Give yourself another chance after that errorGive yourself room to fail.Chelsea Babin, Content Manager at IT recruiting firm Camden Kelly, writes on the site about the process of recovering after messing up at work. One of her tips is to Start Over With New Knowledge.When screwing up doesnt lead to firing and doesnt lead to your life being ruined, youll appreciate the ability to start over with new knowledge. This will help you avoid being too hard on yourself in the future. And, when you make a mistake, youll have the confidence to know that you can handle the situation calmly, professionally, and positively, she writes.Dont try to be perfectThis will only make things worse.Melody Wilding, an executive coach and social worker who teaches at CUNY Hunter College, writes in The Muse about how to improve your shortcomings without beating yourself up. One of her tips is to check your perfectionism at the door.To keep your perf ectionism in check, take note of how you describe your slip-ups. Do you catch yourself saying things like I always forget peoples names or Ill never figure out how to run a report that pleases my boss? If so, youre slipping into whats known as a negative explanatory style- that is, blaming bad events on permanent, all-encompassing aspects of yourself (think Im just not that smart or Ill never have the confidence to be good at public speaking), she writes. Instead, try to turn those thoughts into specific, changeable behaviors that you can improve.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

ASME Marks 135 Years

ASME Marks 135 Years ASME Marks 135 Years ASME Marks 135 Years. One hundred and thirty-five years ago, on Feb. 16, 1880, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers was founded by leading U.S. industrialists, educators, technical journalists, designers, shipbuilders, military engineers, and inventors. Held at the offices of American Machinist magazine in New York City, this preliminary meeting chaired by Alexander Lyman Holley who, alongside thirty leaders of industry laid down both the intellectual boundaries of the profession and the advantages of association. A portion of the New York Times article, published Feb. 17, 1880, which reported on the founding meeting. This influential meeting was announced in The New York Times the next day. At that time, committees were established to form by-laws, nominate officers and generate a potential membership list. An organizational meeting was held April 7 of that year, at nearby Stevens Institute (N.J.), for 80 interest ed engineers and leaders of industry, primarily focused on machine design, power generation, and industrial processes. Their main intent was to project a broader national role to advance technical knowledge and systematically facilitate a flow of information from research to practical application.ASME founders established the professional values we live by today values that guide the industrial and academic research we conduct, that encourage us to share our technical information and technical achievements at meetings and through publications, that provide educational efforts for life-long learning, and that foster the development of standards that promote the reliability and safety of products we use every day. The offices of American Machinist magazine at 96 Fulton Street in New York City, where the founding meeting took place on Feb. 16, 1880. So 135 years later, we congratulate all ASME volunteers and members who continue the Societys mission to serve diverse glob al communities by advancing, disseminating and applying engineering knowledge for improving the quality of our lives. ASME continues to grow in its rich heritage to be the essential resource for mechanical engineers and other technical professionals throughout the world.

How to Succeed at a Startup Company

How to Succeed at a Startup CompanyHow to Succeed at a Startup CompanyHow to Succeed at a StartupHeres what you need to know to succeed at a startup.Dreaming of helping to found the next Amazon or Uber? That will mean working for a startup. Working for a startup company can be an incredibly exciting and fulfilling experience, but for those coming straight out of corporate life, it can also require a serious change of perspective. Heres what you need to know to succeed at a startup and enjoy the experience to boot.Be realisticEveryone whos ever worked at a startup has probably fantasized about seeing their stock options climb sky high and turn them into instant millionaires at the IPO. However, its important to face facts most startups either never reach that IPO or end up as typical mid-level companies. The odds of catching the brass ring are pretty slim, so recognize the fantasy for what it is and focus on more achievable rewards.Expect to work (constantly)The biggest drawback to w orking for a startup is the difficulty of maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Startups often cant afford to hire enough people to keep each job within the confines of a 40-hour workweek, which means youll probably be working at least one and a half jobs, depending on the amount of time you end up putting in. The good berichterstattung is that technology has leapt to the rescue, with tools such as Slack making it much easier to work remotely or at odd hours of the day. You might be working 12- and 14-hour days for a while, but at least you can do some of it in your fuzzy pajamas and bunny slippers.Define your jobWhen you take a job at an established company, youre likely following in the footsteps of a dozen or more other employees who have cycled through that job already. Youll have a reasonably well-defined job description and will have a clear idea of your duties and their boundaries. At a startup, you may well be the very first person ever to hold the job you were hired for, so your job description is likely to be pretty fuzzy. While this can be difficult for employees who like firm boundaries, its also a huge opportunity for you to define your job and your responsibilities in a way that fits your own preferences perfectly.Embrace responsibilityBecause startups tend to have so few employees, each and every one of those employees is critical to the companys success. One slacker could single-handedly bring down the company. That means if youre going to work at a startup, you need to be prepared to roll up your sleeves and take charge of your job. Youll likely be the only person working on a given project, so its success or failure is entirely up to you. Expect to do a lot of self-management as well, because your boss will probably be too busy to spend a lot of time with you.The upside of this kind of environment is that not only do you get to own your successes and savor the resulting accomplishment, but you can also expect a meteoric rise within the com pany if you do your job well.Accept the riskYouve no doubt heard the scary figures about how many businesses fail during their first year. When you work at a startup, you need to accept the possibility that the company youre working for could disintegrate suddenly and without warning. Thats a pretty scary possibility, but its the necessary counterbalance to the possibility that the startup could hit the jackpot and make you rich for life. In short, startups are a high-risk, high-reward kind of job. Be optimistic about the possibilities, but make koranvers you remember what you could be getting into.RelatedHow to Help Your New Business Survive Its First YearBe prepared for ups and downsSpeaking of risk, life at a startup tends to be chaotic, to say the least. You can expect some wild changes to take place in the company, your job, your benefits, and possibly your compensation package. For instance, if the startups funding starts to run dry, you may be asked to accept a temporary pay cut to help keep the company on its feet until more money turns up. Company perks like free lunches and insurance coverage can come and go depending on what resources are available at any given time. Even the nature of your job can change overnight based on what the company needs to be done at any particular moment. One of the biggest advantages startup companies hold in the marketplace is that they tend to be nimble, but that means youll need to be equally nimble to thrive in such an environment.Find your callingFor most startup employees, the long hours and sometimes crazy ups and downs are well worth it because theyre working on something they believe in passionately. If youre going to work at a startup, its crucial to pick one with a mission you care about. If you dont truly believe in the company, its products, and your role in its success, youll struggle to find a reason to invest the necessary time and energy. But as the saying goes, if you love your job, youll never work a d ay in your life.Click on the following link for more career advice.Ready to find the startup for you? Get a free resume critique to find out if your resume is in shape for your search.Recommended ReadingWant to Work for a Startup? 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